Are you up to date? IMDG Code Amendment 40-20 came into force from 1 June 2022, Forwarder Magazine Issue 73
The IMDG Code produced by the International Maritime Organization, initially adopted in 1965 as a recommendatory instrument, was given mandatory status under the umbrella of SOLAS from 2004.
Covid-19 has caused a lot of disruption to regulatory updates over the past few years, including the IMDG Code. The usual two yearly update was delayed and the Amendment enforcement date had to be extended for Amendment 40-20. As a result, Amendment 40-20 came into force on 1 June 2022 and will remain valid until 31 December 2023.
Although the IMDG Code is updated every two years, a cause for concern is that not every company shipping dangerous goods on an international scale understands that this is a mandatory set of international rules that needs to be followed, and updated, in line with each new Amendment.
During the last 35 years Exis has been at the forefront of helping people to understand the IMDG Code, developing digital systems and training to allow them to ship dangerous goods in compliance with the regulations, safely and efficiently.
Exis, with a mission of Safety of Life and Cargo at Sea, has been updating all of their products in line with the new Amendment. Hazcheck Validation Systems like Hazcheck Online, help customers with IMDG Code substance enquiries, segregation, stowage and packaging checks and the production of documentation required for shipping in the transport chain.
Mandatory Amdt 40-20 training
Since 2010 the IMDG Code has included mandatory training requirements for all shore side staff involved in the handling and transport of dangerous goods by sea. The IMO Member Governments recognised that to transport dangerous goods safely, people involved in those roles needed to be trained to an appropriate level for their role. Exis has been producing IMDG Code e-learning training since it became mandatory and it is updated for every new Amendment. Shore side staff should ensure that training is up to date and commensurate with the role they are currently undertaking in the transport of Dangerous Goods.
Exis provide a full suite of job-related courses including…
- An IMDG Code Consignor/Freight Forwarder course for those with a management, supervisory and/or safety compliance role working for a company involved in dangerous goods consignment operations including freight forwarding and logistics.
An IMDG Code Refresher course, for retraining programmes for personnel who have already been trained online, or in the classroom, and have previous knowledge of the IMDG Code.
- The Refresher course helps personnel to update their training without the need to take a full course again.
Exis IMDG Code e-learning is a certified Det Norske Veritas Learning Programme. A certificate is generated and can be printed out and kept as a record of training. More info here:
Amendment 40-20 changes and Corrigenda
Exis offers a free IMDG Code Summary of Changes document for each new Amendment. The latest version of the document summarises the amendments being introduced in the Amendment 40-20 edition of the IMDG Code. This document, which is also available in Spanish, French and Chinese can be found on the Exis website here: A detailed summary of the changes can be requested here:
IMO has published a May 2022 Corrigenda to Amendment 40-20 of the IMDG Code. A summary of the Corrigenda and a link to the full Corrigenda on IMO’s website is available here: